Celebrating Teamwork
We celebrated another year of teamwork and growth with our annual summer BBQ celebrations. Our entire team gathered at our head office in Langley, British Columbia where we enjoyed great food and fun games to celebrate our many milestones.
President of Innotech Windows + Doors, Troy Imbery, kicked off the afternoon with a discussion on our vision.
Several employees were recognized throughout the afternoon for their many contributions: Jordan, R&D technician, celebrated 10-years at Innotech; Linda, section lead, celebrated 10-years; and Nicolay, product representative, celebrated 15-years.
President, Troy Imbery (left) and General Manager, Andrew Deyto (right) present Jordan, Linda and Nicolay with gifts in honour of their long-time service.
Next, we gifted Hayden, with a prize for winning a t-shirt design competition. It was our first time hosting a competition for the design of a new Innotech t-shirt; our marketing team received many great ideas and Hayden’s was the winner. His concept represented what it means for many of us at Innotech when we say “beautiful living : for generations”.
Brand Champion, Jessica Owen (left) and General Manager, Andrew Deyto (right) present Hayden with his prize for winning the first t-shirt design competition.
And then it was time for food, dessert and prizes!
Thank you to all of our out-of-town staff who joined us for our day of celebrations, all of our many staff who helped organize the day, and to everyone for making it a memorable day.