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Matt Risinger Takes Us On a Tour

When we spent the day with celebrity builder Matt Risinger of The Build Show and The Build Show Network as part of his High-Performance Building Road Show, we had no idea what manufacturing, product and construction details would catch his eye. After giving him a backstage pass to our manufacturing facility and one of our Passive House projects, the only thing left for our team to do was eagerly wait for the release of his video.

Drum roll: and here it is!


One of Matt’s highlights of the tour was Mike Cairns’ multi-generational family home. Mike, who is our Architectural Product Representative for low to high-rise Canadian projects, is building a Passive House for his family. And like the title of Matt’s video, the home is so well-built that it only needs 1500 watts to heat the home!

Matt’s BC High-Performance Building Road Show  was generously sponsored by SIGA along with Quad-Lock Building Systems and Innotech Windows + Doors. The week-long road show took Matt to speaking engagements, manufacturing plant tours, and many high-performance project visits in and around Vancouver. Our team had a blast – thanks again Matt!