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Home Buyers Choose Security

There’s a lot to consider when deciding where to purchase your home. A recent survey by BMO Bank of Montreal asked Canadian homeowners to rank their decision criteria when choosing where to live. The results show that at the top of most Canadians’ lists is security. Buying a home is the biggest financial decision a family will make and there are many factors to consider before signing on the bottom line.

“Everyone has a unique set of personal and financial priorities, so it’s important that those particular needs are considered when deciding on the right location to purchase a home,” said Laura Parsons, Mortgage Expert at BMO Bank of Montreal. “Taking a practical approach to home buying is the key to preventing yourself from getting ‘swept away’ by the bells and whistles of a house. Home buyers should make a list of needs versus wants and prioritize them in order of highest to lowest importance.”

Here’s how the respondents ranked their top 5 criteria:

  • Safe Neighbourhood
  • Quiet Street
  • Good Neighbours
  • Short Commute to Work
  • Near Friends and Family

Purchasing or building a home in a safe neighbourhood will definitely help to keep your home safe from crime. However, there are additional steps you might be interested in taking in order to protect your family. Learn more about home safety in our home invasion demonstration video.